Tea tasting share  

Method of tasting tea
Tea tasting share author: updatetime:2018-01-10



  Method of tasting tea

  Tea is one of the most popular beverages. This is mainly due to the good health function of tea. Therefore, more and more consumers are beginning to take the road of tea preservation. In addition, tea tea method has become a focus of attention, so what is the tea? How to better play the aroma of tea here? Take a look at.

  Generally speaking, tea is first brewed and then evaluated. The general procedure of appreciation is: enjoy the color of the soup, smell and smell, try the taste -- Comment on the bottom of the leaf.

  Enjoy the color of the soup

  The tea polyphenols in the tea liquid in contact with air will oxidize quickly, so that the tea is easy to change, so in a timely manner to enjoy the soup, mainly from the aspects of color, brightness, clarity, color discrimination is normal or not, tea, dark tea, clear or turbid degree of Ming dynasty. Tea soup often used in tea tasting terms:

  Green Yan: clear bright, bright light green.

  Yellow green: greenish yellow in green, like half mature orange color, so it is also called orange green.

  Green yellow: a lot of yellow in green.

  Light yellow: the soup is yellow and light, also called light yellow.

  Orange: the soup yellow in the microstrip red, like orange or orange.

  Orange: the soup red with yellow, like orange red.

  Deep yellow: dark yellow, yellow and shiny.

  Green and dark: the soup is green and lustrous.

  Mixed dark: soup mixed color and dark, and "cloudy" synonymous, multi precipitate soup, mixed but not clear, see the bottom of the bowl.

  Red soup: common in Chen Chahuo baked over tea, the soup color is light red or dark red.

  Clear yellow: the tea soup is yellow and clear.

  Golden yellow: the tea soup is clear and yellow, with orange.

  Hong Yan: the soup color of amber and golden edge is the soup of high tea.

  Red bright, red Ming: the soup is not very strong, but red and transparent and glossy, called "red bright"; transparent and slightly less glossy, called "red Ming".

  Deep red and deep: red and deep, lack of brilliance.

  Red light: red soup and pale.

  Deep dark: deep and dark soup, slightly black, also known as red and dark. Black tea is fermented over and over a long time. The quality of black tea is often colored.

  Red turbid: no matter deep or shallow, the inner precipitates are cloudy and cloudy.

  After the cold, the milk coagulating: the black tea soup is thick, after cooling, there is a phenomenon of light brown or orange emulsion like muddy soup. It is called cold or muddy or milk curd, and the black tea with good quality appears this phenomenon.

  Method of tasting tea

  Tea is one of the most popular beverages. This is mainly due to the good health function of tea. Therefore, more and more consumers are beginning to take the road of tea preservation. In addition, tea tea method has become a focus of attention, so what is the tea? How to better play the aroma of tea here? Take a look at.

  Generally speaking, tea is first brewed and then evaluated. The general procedure of appreciation is: enjoy the color of the soup, smell and smell, try the taste -- Comment on the bottom of the leaf.

  Enjoy the color of the soup

  The tea polyphenols in the tea liquid in contact with air will oxidize quickly, so that the tea is easy to change, so in a timely manner to enjoy the soup, mainly from the aspects of color, brightness, clarity, color discrimination is normal or not, tea, dark tea, clear or turbid degree of Ming dynasty. Tea soup often used in tea tasting terms:

  Green Yan: clear bright, bright light green.

  Yellow green: greenish yellow in green, like half mature orange color, so it is also called orange green.

  Green yellow: a lot of yellow in green.

  Light yellow: the soup is yellow and light, also called light yellow.

  Orange: the soup yellow in the microstrip red, like orange or orange.

  Orange: the soup red with yellow, like orange red.

  Deep yellow: dark yellow, yellow and shiny.

  Green and dark: the soup is green and lustrous.

  Mixed dark: soup mixed color and dark, and "cloudy" synonymous, multi precipitate soup, mixed but not clear, see the bottom of the bowl.

  Red soup: common in Chen Chahuo baked over tea, the soup color is light red or dark red.

  Clear yellow: the tea soup is yellow and clear.

  Golden yellow: the tea soup is clear and yellow, with orange.

  Hong Yan: the soup color of amber and golden edge is the soup of high tea.

  Red bright, red Ming: the soup is not very strong, but red and transparent and glossy, called "red bright"; transparent and slightly less glossy, called "red Ming".

  Deep red and deep: red and deep, lack of brilliance.

  Red light: red soup and pale.

  Deep dark: deep and dark soup, slightly black, also known as red and dark. Black tea is fermented over and over a long time. The quality of black tea is often colored.

  Red turbid: no matter deep or shallow, the inner precipitates are cloudy and cloudy.

  After the cold, the milk coagulating: the black tea soup is thick, after cooling, there is a phenomenon of light brown or orange emulsion like muddy soup. It is called cold or muddy or milk curd, and the black tea with good quality appears this phenomenon.




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